Thursday 22 October 2009

The DC Tea Party - and how H.L. Mencken observed Democracy

"[D]emocracy gives [the beatification of mediocrity] a certain appearance of objective and demonstrable truth. The mob man, functioning as citizen, gets a feeling that he is really important to the world - that he is genuinely running things. Out of his maudlin herding after rogues and mountebanks there comes to him a sense of vast and mysterious power—which is what makes archbishops, police sergeants, the grand goblins of the Ku Klux and other such magnificoes happy. And out of it there comes, too, a conviction that he is somehow wise, that his views are taken seriously by his betters - which is what makes United States Senators, fortune tellers and Young Intellectuals happy. Finally, there comes out of it a glowing consciousness of a high duty triumphantly done which is what makes hangmen and husbands happy."

H. L. Mencken - American Essayist, Author, Satirist.

1880 –1956


1 comment:

  1. That must have been some carnival - what with a procession of one float...

    I think we can agree, when your country has more armed soldiers on the street than carnival-going floats, at a carnival, then it's perhaps time to have a wee think about what you see as democracy.


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